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Will home hair removal devices damage the skin?

Time : 2023-03-27 Hits : 43

The IPL  hair removal device mainly uses light and heat to selectively destroy hair follicles, and will not cause damage 

to the surrounding skin, which is relatively safe.

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There may be local redness, swelling and itching during use, which can be recovered in a short period of time without 

any treatment.  Some patients have sensitive skin and may experience symptoms such as local skin color deepening, 

skin blisters, and erythema, and need to go to the hospital in time.  After hair removal, keep the local skin clean and 

hygienic to avoid infection.


Most of the causes of skin damage may be injuries caused by improper use.  Photon hair removal is suitable for hairy 

patients and light-skinned people.  If the skin is dark, the light source produced by the photon hair removal device will 

also destroy the skin pigment, resulting in white or dark spots, which will take months to recover.  People with darker 

skin should choose photon hair removal treatment carefully.


The laser hair removal equipment used in beauty salons may cause certain damage to the skin, because the energy of 

laser equipment is generally high, and the wave light is greater than the bearing capacity of skin tissue.  The skin is 

usually red, swollen, and painful.  If the situation is serious, you need to go to the hospital in time.

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